Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Choice

Dear Faithful Readers:

My wife stuck a pin into the side of my face when I got home this evening. I was naturally perplexed. At first, I thought it was part of her ongoing “husband training.” You see, I have an annoying habit of leaving my dirty laundry in a pile on the bathroom floor (literally less than two feet away from the hamper), and this causes my wife much consternation. It’s my way saying, “Maybe you shouldn't hog the covers every freakin’ night.” So, initially I just thought she had upped the ante in our domestic cold war. In reality, it appears she was just trying to deflate my ego a little.

Thank you for your responses to yesterday’s call for help, readers. I greatly appreciate you taking the time not only to read the post, but to also respond. That is why my ego needed deflating; it’s rare that people care what I have to say about anything. Just ask my wife, she never seems to listen to me. And to enlighten someone, as I apparently did with Anonymous, is even rarer for me!

Throughout the course of the day I have taken your comments and suggestions to heart. I have also reviewed countless other legal blogs, and now have a firm direction toward which to steer this blog. I have also taken your topic requests down and am writing responses as we speak. I appreciate the writers’ block cure.

So, please keep reading readers.


Mike, Esq.

P.S.: Dear Anonymous: Estate law was my least favorite subject in law school. By least favorite I mean it gave me headaches so I played solitaire during every class. On my final exam, I literally wrote, “If you pass me, I promise never to give advice to anybody regarding anything dealing with a will, estate plan, or trust. Ever.” I passed, and I’m a man of my word. With regard to your friend’s speeding situation, look for a post on that soon. Lastly, in regard to the divorce situation, my only thought on divorce is that I hear it sucks. I don't say that to be smart, rather to just say that I also don’t know anything about divorce other than from what friends have told me. And, quite frankly, I hope to never have to know anything about divorce (Love you, Melissa! I’ll pick up the clothes later…). Email me and I’ll give you the names and numbers of some other attorneys that can steer you in the right direction on the estate planning and divorce topics. Your information will be kept confidential (as will all others who wish to email me about everything and anything).

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